History and Philosophy

Camp Kanfei Nesharim was founded in 1994 by Rabbi Benzion Scheinfeld. Rabbi Scheinfeld is a Yeshiva High School educator as well as a ski instructor. He studied in an eclectic combination of Yeshivot including Ner Israel of Baltimore, Har Etzion in Alon Shevut, Netzach Yisroel in Rechavia and Yeshiva University. He received his Rabbinic Ordination from Yeshiva University.
The goal of Camp Kanfei Nesharim is to help participants experience and internalize the amazing energy, wonder and beauty that permeates this world and to have that experience touch and open the participants' hearts to their own internal unique and precious Neshama (soul). The camp believes that physical challenge and expression (in general), and the exhilaration of skiing on the pristinely beautiful Alps of New Zealand’s South Island (in particular), can facilitate such an openness. In addition, the challenge of creating a Torah environment at the corners of the world can bring a self awareness that can deepen and enliven one’s Jewish identity and connection to Hashem. Besides offering participants an amazing experience, Kanfei hopes to be able to create a ruach (environment) that can facilitate such growth.
Creating such a ruach in a co-ed teenage environment is no easy task. It involves balancing the splendor and energy of the activities we experience with the structures of the Torah that ultimately give them meaning and depth.
As CKN is a “one of a kind" opportunity, it attracts many different types of applicants. Almost all the applicants are good kids who have much inner beauty that is worthwhile knowing and working with. Nevertheless, campers who are not ready for a Torah oriented environment and apply to CKN with the expectation of reluctantly tolerating or sidestepping the religious and spiritual aspects of the program, cause much unnecessary tension and adversely affect a full expression the ruach we would like to create. It is imperative, therefore, that applicants understand the nature of the environment they will be part of and are able to function comfortably and respectfully in such an environment. Specifically, issues such as Kashrut, Kippot, Tefillah, Daily Torah Study, the Sanctity of Shabbat, Tzniut, Shomer Negiah etc. must be ideas and activities that campers can appreciate and respect. CKN would not be an appropriate choice for students who, at this stage in their development, would have difficulty or resentment if asked to conform to these expectations.
Accordingly, each applicant is being asked to provide a letter of recommendation from an educator who is familiar with him/her. The letter should confidently express that the applicant is emotionally and religiously able to comfortably function in the environment CKN would like to create. Kanfei welcomes teens of all backgrounds who feel they would be comfortable in this type of environment. Particiants do not need any previous ski ability. Many Kanfei campers have never skied before.
The goal of Camp Kanfei Nesharim is to help participants experience and internalize the amazing energy, wonder and beauty that permeates this world and to have that experience touch and open the participants' hearts to their own internal unique and precious Neshama (soul). The camp believes that physical challenge and expression (in general), and the exhilaration of skiing on the pristinely beautiful Alps of New Zealand’s South Island (in particular), can facilitate such an openness. In addition, the challenge of creating a Torah environment at the corners of the world can bring a self awareness that can deepen and enliven one’s Jewish identity and connection to Hashem. Besides offering participants an amazing experience, Kanfei hopes to be able to create a ruach (environment) that can facilitate such growth.
Creating such a ruach in a co-ed teenage environment is no easy task. It involves balancing the splendor and energy of the activities we experience with the structures of the Torah that ultimately give them meaning and depth.
As CKN is a “one of a kind" opportunity, it attracts many different types of applicants. Almost all the applicants are good kids who have much inner beauty that is worthwhile knowing and working with. Nevertheless, campers who are not ready for a Torah oriented environment and apply to CKN with the expectation of reluctantly tolerating or sidestepping the religious and spiritual aspects of the program, cause much unnecessary tension and adversely affect a full expression the ruach we would like to create. It is imperative, therefore, that applicants understand the nature of the environment they will be part of and are able to function comfortably and respectfully in such an environment. Specifically, issues such as Kashrut, Kippot, Tefillah, Daily Torah Study, the Sanctity of Shabbat, Tzniut, Shomer Negiah etc. must be ideas and activities that campers can appreciate and respect. CKN would not be an appropriate choice for students who, at this stage in their development, would have difficulty or resentment if asked to conform to these expectations.
Accordingly, each applicant is being asked to provide a letter of recommendation from an educator who is familiar with him/her. The letter should confidently express that the applicant is emotionally and religiously able to comfortably function in the environment CKN would like to create. Kanfei welcomes teens of all backgrounds who feel they would be comfortable in this type of environment. Particiants do not need any previous ski ability. Many Kanfei campers have never skied before.